Citizens for a new Europe
Petition “For a Europe close to its citizens”
To Europe’s politicians, members of:
- the European Parliament
- the European Council
- the European Commission
- the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- the national Parliaments and Governments of the participating 51 countries
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We, undersigned friends of Europe, urgently ask for a new democratic and diverse, confederate and subsidiary Europe from Vladivostok to Reykjavik for the 21st century, close to us citizens, a Europe in which minorities are protected and where we all can live together in freedom and peace.
In particular, we call for:
1. A democratic and diverse Europe, in which we citizens determine per referendum our country’s place: either in a politically integrated core Europe, or in a strong common market, or in a vast free trade zone;
2. A subsidiary Europe, in which only shall be delegated to “Brussels” what is absolutely essential, not however what its free, sovereign, peacefully cooperating member countries can do themselves as well or even better;
3. A Europe of empowered citizens, for and with us citizens, where we shall have the last word on all important decisions at the European level;
4. A new, future-oriented European Constitution (as a legal basis for our new Europe), which shall be elaborated by a Constitutional Assembly, elected by us citizens, and which then will be put into force in a referendum in each member country.
5. A Europe that shines in the world for democracy, freedom and peace, prosperity and sustainability, for citizens’ and human rights.
Conscious of our own responsibility for the future of our continent, we shall stand up for this new, strong Europe, open to the world - persistently, resolutely, with peaceful means (including, especially, a viral campaign throughout Europe), until you, Ladies and Gentlemen, will implement the requests of this petition democratically, together with us Europeans, beginning with a pan-European referendum, in which we citizens in each European country shall determine how we want it to participate in our new Europe!
Thank you very much!
Citizens for a new Europe:
(name, first name, town and country of residence)